After introduction of CRMfolder
After closing numerous introduction processes our experience prove that working volume shows a drastic growth even in the first few months, which can be processed by unchanged number of employees. Company processes become more simple and transparent.
The system can ease the management of company affairs, helps in the registration of any kind of information connected with clients, partners and suppliers providing an easy client history. Thanks to this fact tasks and projects are no more bound to persons, these can be found in a couple of seconds and can be given to anyone else for further proceeding. Working process becomes more efficient and the situations when you have to wait for someone are rare (e.g. in case of lack of information), the division of tasks becomes more structured and every previously solved affairs shall be available in a common basis of knowledge. Accordingly the costs shall be reduced.
Decreasing costs
We would like to illustrate throught the following calculation what costs reduction is caused by the system monthly and by the end of 5. month:
Example calculation: how costs decrease after the introduction of the CRMfolder? | |
Company data: | Company employing 40 persons, every employee CRMfolder utilizer. |
Wage costs of employees: | Wage costs per employee in average amount to 2 150 EUR/month. Average wage costs of the company: 86 000 EUR/month (calculations: the monthly wage of employees varies uniformly between 1 450 – 3 900 EUR, out of this employees receive a net amount of: 1 000 – 2 700 EUR) |
To what extent CMRfolder shall impact the efficiency | CRMfolder increases the efficiency of peforming tasks by 5-15%, it means the collegue in question can perform 5-15% more tasks. This way, with the reduction of the number of employees and without the supplement of drop-outs the company reserves wages (the increase of efficiency is highly influenced by the fact what extent the use of electronic and paper based documents are represented in a certain company. The more documents, connected to an affair are managed by the employees, the higher the efficiency of growth in percent can be achieved due to electronic documents management). |
Extent of costs decrease per month – in worth case (5%) | CRMfolder in 5% extent: the monthly average wage costs of the company are reduced by 4 300 EUR. |
Extent of costs decrease by the end of the 5. month – in worth case | CRMfolder in 5% extent: the wage costs of the company are reduced by 21 500 EUR by the end of the 5. month |
Extent of costs decrease per month – in best case (15%) | CRMfolder in 15% extent: the monthly average wage costs of the company are reduced by 12 900 EUR. |
Extent of costs decrease by the end of the 5. month – in best case (15%) | CRMfolder in 5% extent: the wage costs of the company are reduced by 64 500 EUR by the end of the 5. month. |